29 January 2007

Monday evening update...

Update on Hakan and Turan

Here's the lastest from a friend...

The trial went very well today and without incident. The police were ready and made plans to get Hakan and Turan in and out of the courthouse without problems. Several reporters and a few dozen nationalists were waiting outside the courthouse while the trial went on for an hour (like last time, no press or visitors were allowed in the courtroom). After the trial, and unbeknownst to the press and nationalists (but known to us), the police escorted Hakan, Turan, and their lawyer out the back door of the courthouse and safely to their car before anyone knew about it. A few minutes later, the prosecuter, Kerincsiz, and his followers came out the front door and left without giving a press conference. They appeared to be angry and it was probably because things had not gone so well for them in the courtroom. We learned that the prosecution’s main witness had been caught lying and even Kerincsiz was caught in a lie. When asked where the other two witnesses were, Kerincsiz told the judge that they could not get permission to leave their high school to be there. The judge responded that the schools are on winter break. Reports are that Kerincsiz was glowing like Rudolf’s nose.

Unfortunately the case was not thrown out, so Hakan and Turan will be back in court on April 18th. However, despite this bit of bad news, today’s trial did go well on all other counts and we can be thankful that there was no violence or other incidents.

Thank you for your prayers.

There will likely be a newspaper write up about it tomorrow which I will post a link to if you are interested in reading more about it.

Please pray

Pray for our Friends

Please intercede for Hakan and Turan, two Turkish Christians who face their second trial on Monday, January 29. There have been no new developments in regards to the actual trial—no new evidence (which means no evidence at all), no new charges, and no acquittal. However, Kemal Kerincsiz, the infamous ultranational lawyer who was at the last trial, is getting much bad press in light of the murder of the Turkish/Armenian journalist, Hrant Dink, in Istanbul last week. Kerincsiz had brought Article 301 charges (insulting Turkishness) against Dink in the past few years and many blame him for fanning the flames of hatred toward Armenians and other minorities that resulted in this murder. Unfortunately, Hakan and Turan have a connection with Dink in that they too are minorities being harassed with Article 301 charges by Kerincsiz. This could also make them a target of ultranational violence. This is not meant to be alarmist, but to call everyone to fervent prayer for all aspects of this trial.

A few prayer points:
Pray that God would use this trial for His good.

Pray that Hakan and Turan would stand strong in the face of lies, intimidation, persecution, and insult.

Pray that Hakan’s wife, Esay, would have peace and endurance throughout the trial.

Pray that justice would prevail and they would be acquitted on Monday.

Pray that there would be no escalation of violence or protests after the trial.

Pray that God would use this trial for His good.

We all hope that God would work in ways we cannot imagine and that He would accomplish great things for His glory as a result of this trial.

Thank you for your prayers.

*I borrowed this from a friend.