down to only about 2! :) And alas, I have absolutely no time to update, but I'm doing itI used to have like 6 readers, now I think I'm anyway - yes, I love you guys. I am very crazy super duper busy getting ready for summer w/work and all. Camp, trips, lock-ins, you name it, we're planning it. It's all totally worth it and I love my job, but I do have moments of stress. Yesterday, I was inspired to write a poem about working. I wouldn't want you all to be jealous of my poetic abilities, so I'll spare you. However, it was quite moving. What else, what else - I agreed to help with the junior high lock-in tonight - yep, that's all night long with a bunch of junior high students. Yep, I'm not too bright - either that or I'm a sadist.

Anywho, OH....I did go to a fabulous tea party last week for my dear friend who is graduating from high school. It was at the swankiest hotel in Houston and oh-so-girly. We had tea and scones and tea sandwiches and fruit tartlets. Oh my, it was delightful. And did I forget to mention Charles who told us all about the Devonshire clotted cream that they have flown in from England 5 days a week. I'm telling ya, it was a top notch high tea.

And what else, Oh today is my friend Karin's last day at work which makes me incredibly sad, so sad that I refuse to think about it. But, in honor of her we went out to eat for lunch at the close by Turkish restaurant. I had iskender which was absolutely amazing! Just like the real thing in Turkey. Cok guzel!
Well, I gots to go. Peace out yo! (it must be the youth influence)
oh I'm so glad you like English Teas! When you come we can go to the Ritz and have afternoon tea! Amy and I do it at least once or twice a year but since she's leaving I won't have anyone to go with. so I will see you in November. Love ya, Elizabeth
Just so you know...I'm still reading. I don't get many comments on my blog either but it's fun to write and I know that at least my family checks it...I think!
Tea and scones?
I love it! What fun!
And hey, I don't blame you for your "few and far between" posts... I have trouble finding the time these days too!
PS~ I miss Karin already!
Come on, be a cool person and update. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.
my xanga:
see you on wednesday looove
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