Yes friends, thanks for the reminder that it's time to post. I can't believe it's been a month! And I cannot believe it's October - oh my goodness gracious! I absolutely love the fall. I love the word "autumnal." I just love the idea of it, ya know. It's a good thing that I can love the idea of it in my head, because it doesn't really exist in real life here in Houston. It is still 92% F and no I'm not kidding and humid as all get out. But alas, I do have my candy jar on my desk full (well by this point only half full) of candy corn and mellowcreme pumpkins. Oh the goodness of the sugar wax that is those pumpkins. And I'm thinking about going to Hobby Lobby and getting some fake leaves to staple all in my cubicle. Wouldn't that be delightful. Actually, we did have a couple beautiful days a few weeks ago and we ate lunch at the park a few days. That was amazing!

Janelle and Dave on the swings. Kasey and I didn't attempt it in our skirts...instead we chose to just sit and be beautiful!

What else, ah yes, hip hop. A couple friends and I have started taking hip hop classes on Monday nights. Last night was our fourth time. I no longer feel like throwing up afterwards which is a good sign that I'm improving, or at least getting into better shape. The teacher is so incredibly good although he's pretty hardcore. Actually, that's probably what makes him such a good teacher. We spend about 30-45 minutes stretching and just working out doing stomach crunches, sit-ups, etc. and then an hour learning hip hop combinations that really get your heart pumping. Oh my gosh, I don't have too much funk in me, but I'm working on it. Last night I almost passed out because the teacher doesn't like to have airconditioning which sounds all well and good except there is absolutely no airflow. After about an hour of breathing in all of my friends' exhaled air, I actually almost passed out. When the teach saw how pale I was (and the fact that I almost keeled over) he told me to step outside and get some fresh air. Of course I did, but the air outside wasn't fresh either - oh the Houston humidity. But, I did survive and I love it. It really is so much fun, despite all the sweating. :)
And, for about 4 days, one of my favorite friends, Kristi, who was here this summer showed up for a surprise visit from Ohio - way to go Will! It was so much fun to be with her again for a few days!

Here's Janelle, Kasey and I with her Cedarville Lady's basketball shirts that Kristi brought us!
Oh, and in more exciting news......drumroll please.......I'm now on facebook! I know I'm really too old to be, but the problem is so many of my friends are just babes I tell ya. I have 12 friends so far - wooohooo!
candy corn yuk! thanks for the post. see I told you you had something to blog about! Love, Elizabeth
My intense passion burns for the mellowcreme pumpkins..
and for the fact that you have succumbed to the world of facebook!
Yay for facebook friends!
Glad you updated! I love reading your blog.
I also love going to the park for lunch with the lunch bunch! Ahhh, Houston autumn... the humidity, the mosquitoes, the flies, the pollen in the air that drives my allergies bizerk. Good times.
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