Psalm 40:1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord.
29 December 2007
I could SO be Dorothy
in the Wizard of Oz! Would you just look at these Chuck Taylor All Star Sequins shoes! I'm not sure what it is about my gene pool that makes me absolutely LOVE these shoes. I want some. Probably shouldn't buy them, much less wear them, but I do honestly think they are so great. I just showed them to my dad. He thinks they're awful. What can I say, I guess I didn't get my taste in shoes from my dad, and as far as these go, probably not my mom either. But still, something about them is just so's like they are glitzy but earthy at the same time. And well, I already know they're cozy, and well, they're red and that's always good and they're converse and that in itself is great and well, they are just so completely impractical and totally unexpected. A juxtaposition of natures if you will. And I will. :) If I bought some that's what I would name them. Juxtaposition.
26 December 2007
December craziness!
Merry Christmas! Thank God that He has come to be WITH US. I so desperately need Him to be living life here with me everyday. Anywho, as with most of you lots and lots has been going on this's a few of the happenings and a couple o'pics.
For a lovely start to the month, my sister hosted the most amazing early birthday girly Christmas tea party for me on the 1st. My mom even flew down from Jersey for the fun and I also had about 18 or so other beautiful ladies show up to let me know how loved I am. We delighted in the cranberry punch and the cutest tea sandwiches you've ever seen and a wonderful display of teas and petite quiches and scones and clotted cream and all the cute little doilies and unexpected touches that my sister spent hours and hours preparing. Have I mentioned that I have the greatest sister ever?
She even had lace on the punch cups and teeny red bows on the forks, not to mention the cheese was cut out in holiday shapes! (btw, sorry to any guys reading this, I'm sure you could care less, but for girls this stuff is extremely important.) There were even door prizes and little gifts for everyone to take home! I especially enjoyed reading all of the thoughtful notes and scripture passages that my friends brought for me. I so wish that all of my girlfriends in San Diego, New York, Magnolia, Louisville, Boston, India, Turkey, Brazil, Iowa, and even Pineville, LA could have come to share in the girliness with me. However, if all of you had been there too, I'm not sure I could have stood all the excitement!
Then, there were several Christmas parties and shopping to do and new offices to move into. The office move was a little bit nuts, but I shan't complain because in the midst of it all, I had 5 unexpected and undeserved days off! Wow, that was a HUGE Christmas gift! And I have a window in my new little office with a great view which I'm loving! Oh, and sadly my dear dear dear dear friends Will and Kristi moved to Louisville to get em some more skoolin. :) So very happy for them, but I already miss them both like crazy!

And now I'm in New Jersey with the folks and just enjoying some stillness. We had a lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and today my mom and I did a little bit of shopping (I guess I'm a bit shopped out this year because all I came home with was a $3 scarf from JCrew which my mom generously bought!) And tomorrow I'm going to take a small little bite out of the BIG APPLE all by myself! What a big girl I am. :) Have no idea what I'll decide to do, but I'm just looking forward to being in the city and soaking up all the sights, sounds, and smells of NY. And then on Friday which just so happens to be my BIRTHDAY my daddy is taking off work and all three of us will drive to this cute little town to have a delicious lunch and look around the cozy little stores and enjoy all the Christmas lights...oh, and I'm thinking I might get to open a few gifts too. And well, there's more that's going on in the homefront, but I'll write about that another time. 
As you can tell, I'm getting lots of love. :)
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