21 March 2006

Happy things today...

1. It is a gorgeous spring day outside with blue skies, nary a cloud, and the wind blowing.
2. I had a great lunch outside today with the Tuesday lunch bunch (always a good time) AND my beautiful sister Kate joined us. We enjoyed our burgers and fries sitting outside in the sunshine.
3. I love my job and that is indeed a gift.
4. My sister gave me a goodie bag of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, homemade bread, and something else that sounds yummy but I can't remember at the moment.
5. I'm wearing a girly skirt today.
6. Oh, I almost forgot...the lady in line behind me at the restaurant asked where I got my haircut because she liked it so much. She even took a picture with her phone to show her hairdress. I know it's silly, and honestly a bit embarassing, but it did make me feel good.
7. I don't have anything I have to do tonight.
8. I got an e-mail from my sweet friend Linda this morning and she is doing fabulous!
9. Did I mention the guacamole on my burger?
10. I had a long, long commute this morning in the traffic, BUT that meant that I also had a long time to pray this morning. ;)

Ecc. 5:19 "Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God."

1 comment:

Kasey Joy said...

I'll do my best to try and not take offense to #7. hahaha
much love! -Kasey